Nyan Kingdom Wiki

The Caytite-Tacnytes are a well-known race that was founded by Tac Nayn. It is a branch of Caytites that include the same aspects of Tac Nayn, such as black fur, feline form, and iconically using Grey Rainbow Energy and its variations to fly. Close, "purebred", or direct relatives to Tac Nayn usually have the Waffle foodrace.

They are quite morbidly recognized as the enemies of Avite-Mellbites due to Vheir Nayn murdering Melon Bird with Predator's Poison in 2061 (earth time). These two races are extremely hostile to each other and fought a long war against each other because of Melon Bird's assassination, which only made matters worse. If the two cross paths, then fighting will burst.




Caytite-Tacnytes use Dakins (Coin2.2Transparent), Fhekkrs (Fhekkr), and Zyks (Zyk)  for most methods of paying for items, food, and accessories. Coin2.2Transparent1 is worth about $500 in Earth money, Fhekkr1 for $500,000, and Zyk1 for $50,000,000,000.

Famous Individuals[]
